American Player Madison Kingdon scored 57 points in one Match

The American outside hitter Madison Kingdon scored a 57 points in one match few days ago for her Korean club team IBK and she almost break the world record!! She is now tied with Bulgarian player Elitsa Vasileva and currently ranks No.2.  The world record holder is Azerbaijan player Polina Rahimova who scored 58 points 2 years ago in the Japanese League.

Records of the highest scores in one match:

No.1 Polina Rahimova (58 pts/Japanese League

No. 2 Elitsa Vasileva (57 pts/ Korean League) and Madison Kingdon (57 pts/ Korean League)

No. 3 Nicole Fawcett (55 pts/ Korean League)

No. 4 Bethania Dela Cruz (54 pts/ Japanese League)

Source: Volleywood